Complex system of non-pathogenic aerobic and anaerobic microbes, as well as natural enzymes, specifically formulated to establish biological filtration in new aquarium set-ups, and to enhance the rate of nitrification, denitrification, and...
Complex system of non-pathogenic aerobic and anaerobic microbes, as well as natural enzymes, specifically formulated to establish biological filtration in new aquarium set-ups, and to enhance the rate of nitrification, denitrification, and organic waste degradation in marine and freshwater aquaria through complete nutrient remineralization.
Reduces nitrates and phosphates
Used the world over for more than 12 years
Veterinarian Pathologist tested and recommended
Supplied in a state of suspended animation for maximum longevity, 2 yr. shelf life from date of manufacture
Formulated utilizing extensive data compiled by microbiologists.